A set of 8 manuals for practicing practical endosurgical skills allows you to work out important laparoscopic skills:
- manipulation of tools,
- coordination of hand movements,
- rise and capture,
- accuracy and speed.
Manuals can be placed in an interactive laparoscopic simulator and used separately.
The kit includes the following exercises:
- manual 1 – Rings and shoelaces.
- manual 2 – Bead on the perch.
- manual 3 – Racing on the wire.
- manual 4 – Clothing for pins.
- manual 5 – Fabric under tension.
- manual 6 – KI-simulator.
- manual 7 – Two-layer model of the intestine.
- manual 8 – Fabric model for flashing and performing knots
The manuals are designed to practice skills with real tools
List equipment on a single order:
Manuals (8 pieces) – 1 set
PVC plastic, acrylic plastic, polycarbonate, silicone, two-component cold-setting plastic