The simulator is a model of the upper limb and is intended for practicing the technique of various types of injections. The physical properties of the model material are close to real values. The complex vasculature of the upper limb is reproduced, the veins are well palpated.
The simulator includes:
- Basilica;
- Cephalica;
- Dorsalis Metacarpi;
- Basilic Mediana;
- Antebrachia Mediana;
- Cephalica Mediana;
- Cubitalis;
- venous arcade of the rear of the hand
- intercarpal and interdigital veins
- vein of the thumb.
Functional features:
- feeling of failure when inserting the needle;
- reverse blood flow when traction of the syringe plunger towards itself;
- a tight insert in the deltoid region defines and limits the site for intramuscular injections;
- dense insert in the shoulder area mimics bony structures, defines and limits the injection site;
- the intradermal injection site is located on the forearm. Intradermal injections with the introduction of a liquid cause the appearance of a characteristic cutaneous “button”.
The simulator is intended for use in medical educational institutions.
- Upper limb phantom for venipuncture and injections
- Artificial blood infusion container
- Artificial blood
- Product passport
- Manual
Silicone, cold cure plastic
Dimensions, mm:
770 x 140 x 150
Weight, kg: